Tuesday, May 10, 2011

violet crumble

L told us we needed to try it and thank goodness she did!  I loved the light airy honeycomb and could have actually done without the chocolate.  I’m going to be on a mission to find golden syrup when I return to the States so I can start making this…



cynthia said...

OMG i LOVE those things!! they have them (usually) at Cost Plus, as well as other "international" candies, like the Aero bar. (not sure if they have Cost Plus in Georgia...?) So weird how there is different candy everywhere. My Dad is Canadian and they have Smarties there (as well as the aforementioned Aero AND Violet Crumble) never seen any of them in the States at regular stores. Of course I have to stock up whenever I visit my Nana in Vancouver. :)

MAV said...

Thanks, Cynthia!! We do have Cost Plus and I'm sending my friends there because they are killing themselves trying to find them. I am going to try my hand at making the honeycomb when I get home for sure.